Apocalypse – Nigerian presidential elections 2015 and American presidential elections 2016

•Goodluck Jonathan and Donald Trump: "Two presidential candidates with intimations of apocalypse"
Apocalypse: (1) an event involving destruction or damage on a catastrophic scale;(2) the complete final destruction of the world, as described in the biblical book of Revelation
Dictionary.com (online)

It was in the early hours of Tuesday, September 27, that it dawned on me that the Americans were going through exactly the same feelings of being on the edge of an apocalypse that we had felt close to the end of the campaigns for our presidential elections of 2015. Because I am currently in a time zone that is six hours ahead of the eastern seaboard of the United States, I had to stay up past 4:30 am to watch the first of the televised presidential debates of the current electoral season in America. It was after the end of the debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump that I began to reflect on why this debate was so portentous that I had to stay up so late to watch it. It was then that it dawned on me that as in our own elections, the whole world is also awaiting the outcome of the American elections with far more than the usual global interest in American presidential elections. Of course, the interest of the rest of the world, though much more intense than usual, is not apocalyptic. But there is no doubt whatsoever that to the Americans, just as we in Nigeria felt last year in the electoral battle between Goodluck Jonathan and Muhammadu Buhari, the apocalypse is about to descend on their country if the wrong candidate is eventually elected.

Apocalypse involves great, widespread and perhaps even unimaginable feelings of fear and premonition. Thus, for an event, any event, to inspire apocalyptic dread, it has to strike deep into the foundations of things that make us feel safe and secure in who we are as a people, together with our sense of our place in the scheme of things in the world. In other words, while it is normal to occasionally have feelings of anxiety and malaise about things, the balance tips over to apocalypse when we feel that one particular event or happening goes far beyond normal or typical worries and anxieties.This is precisely what the presidential elections in Nigeria 2015 did and what the American elections 2016 is doing: going over and beyond the fears and anxieties that surrounded virtually all previous elections in the political history of each country, respectively Nigeria and the United States. In choosing to reflect on this uncanny similarity in this piece, I will focus on reasons why two countries that are so dissimilar in every way imaginable can yet present us with extraordinarily similar intimations of apocalypse in electoral cycles very close in time. But before getting to this matter of speculation and reflection, it is perhaps necessary to concretely highlight the similarities themselves.

We can very briefly recount what these uncanny similarities are. Perhaps the most interesting or portentous are the striking similarities between the candidacies of Goodluck Jonathan and Donald Trump: each presented a profoundly troubling disquiet to their own political parties, respectively the PDP and the Republican Party. Remember the mass defections from the PDP when it became clear that Jonathan was going to be the party’s candidate? Remember the melodrama of Obasanjo publicly tearing up his membership card of the party? Well, compare this to the number of very influential members of the establishment of the Republican Party that have either publicly denounced the candidacy of Trump or as a matter of fact declared their support for Hillary Clinton. Interestingly, no two persons can be as different as Jonathan and Trump in their personalities. Jonathan is as colorless as Trump is fastidiously flamboyant; and Trump is as much a bully and a thug as Jonathan was very often the victim of bullying as much within his party as among the opposition parties. And yet, consider how very similar the two men are in the use of violence and fascist tactics in their campaigns. Indeed, every time I have seen scenes of the verbal and physical violence of Trump’s supporters in his mass rallies, my mind has always gone back to the hooded paramilitary thugs who were widely deployed by Jonathan and the PDP during the campaigns of 2015.

For me, the most pertinent similarity between the Jonathan and Trump campaigns is the fact that against the undoubted crisis that their candidacies presented to their parties, there was/is the near fanatical support that they enjoyed among large and important demographic groups in the country. On any consideration, candidates who start out with significant disapproval within their own parties ought not to be of any threat to their opponents from other political parties. But this was not the case with Jonathan last year and it is not the case with Trump now. Definitely among his own “home” base in the South-south but also among very large and important pluralities in the Southeast and parts of the North, Jonathan enjoyed zealous support that almost neutralized the disaffection of influential elements with the PDP establishment. With Trump, this factor has been extremely fascinating in that as the election cycle has moved towards the finale, his support within the base of the Republican Party has solidified, so much so that many party heavyweights that had vociferously broken with him are now either slipping into silence and quietude or are actually coming out of their shells to endorse him. This presents us with a pattern that we also saw in Jonathan’s candidacy last year in the Nigerian elections: a man widely disliked and reviled as a moral leper, as a divisive force whose stock-in-trade is the bigotry and fanaticism of his supporters around whom has coalesced large pluralities around the country that nobody, least of all the opposition, can easily dismiss or even ignore.

The similarity that seems the most facile is not without its own significance, this being the insistence of Jonathan and his supporters last year that nothing but victory was acceptable to them and of Trump in the idea that a loss in his present effort could only come about on the basis of rigged elections. This was probably why Lester Holt who compered the debate between Clinton and Trump last Monday formally ended the event with a demand that each candidate commit to acceptance of the results of the election regardless of who the victor is. Not surprisingly, before expressing his commitment, Trump rambled for close to a minute of the two minutes given him for the question before finally and rather tepidly declaring his commitment. Please remember that when Jonathan rather very loudly accepted his defeat even before the formal declaration of Buhari as the winner had been made, the whole world was struck by surprise and relief, the surprise but not the relief extending to his supporters. There are many among Trump’s supporters who cannot – and probably will never – accept his defeat, even if the candidate himself goes quietly back into the world of his allegedly tottering business empire. If that is what happens on November 9, the day after the American elections, it would mean that apocalypse has been averted, at least for the time being. This observation leads us back to the main issue for our reflections in this piece: what are the probable reasons for these remarkable similarities between Nigeria 2015 and America 2016 in the two countries’ presidential elections?

In responding to this question, let me quickly state that I am completely uninterested in what might be the real or probable effects of the fact that from 1999 to the present, the Nigerian political system has been based on an assiduous and rather unimaginative copy of the American presidential system. True, a copycat usually reproduces not the finer features but the maladies and inanities of the object copied or imitated. But please note that Jonathan and the crisis that his candidacy presented to the PDP took place long before Donald Trump effected his coup against the elites in the establishment of the Republican Party. This rather adventitious fact imposes on us the obligation to look for our answers in the major structural features of economy, society and polity that Nigeria shares with the United States. If we do this, the two facts that immediately spring to mind are, first, the fact that both countries are awash with a wealth that is extremely unfairly distributed and, second, the fact that both countries are extremely diverse in their racial, ethnic and demographic communities. In our closing remarks and observations, let us juxtapose these two structural features to see what we get in relation to the specter of apocalypse in each country.

Great wealth side by side with widening circles of poverty and desperation normally spells social malaise on a large scale. When this is compounded by racial, ethnic, religious and regional differences, the crisis deepens and magnifies immeasurably. There are few countries in the contemporary world where these factors have converged as powerfully as Nigeria and the United States. True, poverty is more widely and far more “democratically” distributed in Nigeria than in America. But that is or was, the historic pattern. The contemporary world presents us with something new and rather unprecedented: considerable levels of poverty and social and economic exclusion among previously relatively more privileged communities based on race, class and gender. This is why, racism, misogyny and bigotry have been so openly displayed and used by the Trump campaign: the candidate speaks from and to a base that feels that it has lost so much ground that it has nothing to more to lose by openly baring its fangs. Please remember that Jonathan and his supporters also felt and acted the same way: in last year’s elections, the appeal to primordial, revanchist sentiments were so loud, so uncompromising in the threat of Armageddon that it seemed that no healing across the real and manufactured divisions of ethnicity and regionalism could and would be effective after the last votes in the elections had been counted. Apocalypse is the product of the depth of this crisis in the domain of electoral politics. This leads to our concluding paragraph in this piece.

I certainly hope that Clinton emerges the victor in the elections in November. But ‘apocalypse’ takes us far beyond any reforms, any cures that electoral politics can be expected to bring to countries like Nigeria and the United States with so much injustice, so much poverty and desperation in the midst of great wealth. Apocalypse is an abstract term, an effect of language, of discourse; its closeness or distance to real conditions has to be measured and gauged case by case, location by location. Buhari won in Nigeria in 2015 and thus we shall never know whether or not Armageddon would have descended on the country if Jonathan had been declared the victor. All we know, all we can go by is the fact that so far, Buhari’s victory has not brought the relief that his supporters and the rest of the world expected from his victory. Will this be the same scenario if Clinton wins? Is the aversion of apocalypse the same as the alleviation of great and wide suffering of the tens of millions of the dispossessed? Is it at least something to be grateful for that ‘apocalypse’ is averted and we have some room for some small, incremental reforms while the looting, the injustice goes on? So many unanswered questions, compatriot. - See more at: h

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